70cms DATV under threat

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70cms DATV under threat

Post by g8gtz » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:53 am

The Austrian Radio Society has put forward a proposal to be discussed at the IARU region 1 conference in September which states:

"In order to provide necessary protection of weak signal users, a footnote to existing 70cm band plan should discourage the use of 436,0 – 438,0 MHz for DATV in national band plans within Europe."

The complete proposal, IARU proposal VA14_C5_35, can be found at various places on the internet including http://www.r-e-f.org//images/Documents/ ... _C5_35.pdf

Clearly the ATV community would not want to see this happen and the BATC has been working with RSGB to ensure they oppose this and we have agreed the following position:

Repeater Inputs and peer to peer is ok
Repeater outputs banned in 435-438 for amsat protection
No specific IARU ATV centre freqs , due to varying national regs/band plans
And to add 70cms/2MHz max into the tech recommendation we had, but lost, at Vienna

The RSGB has a website dedicated to the IARU conference where comment / feedback is welcome http://rsgb.org/main/rsgb-consultations ... sultation/

BATC has also been working with the ATV community in Germany, Switzerland, France and Holland to ensure they lobby their national organisations to oppose the motion.

We have pointed out to AGAF that the German DATV repeater in Munich which has just turned on a 436 MHz OFDM could be a big problem as the Austrians will use that as an example of what will happen and recommend they look at using 10 GHz instead.

A lot of this conference / regulatory work can seem very boring to most of us but it is vital we protect our interests and is just one area where BATC is working in the background to support the ATV community.

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Re: 70cms DATV under threat

Post by G8LES » Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:27 pm

Here here well done.

No the last thing we need is no access to 70cm DATV as it has revived the band and the liklihood of interference to AMSAT is small and if there were an important data transmission then they need to tell us between X time and Y time we can work togethger on that one. AMSAT users point upwards we point horizontally. There is only a problem if they are Rxing on 435 when a nearby ATV station is on. Again with all the channels on 70cm that are nearly always unused I am not sure why they needed to use a section of the band that was allocated to ATV before Amsat was a twinkle in anyone's eye. Probably as a result of historical narrow band thinking.

The Keyfobs is the worst issue really and has been a likely problem for some time. Unfortunately the recevers are wide band on those devices so a nearby signal a few MHz away is going to blat them. Really it is the fault of the licencing of them on 433Mhz in the first place that is to blame, but we are where we are.

It isn't as if people cannot use they key to get in their cars manually. Whatever the cases are that are technically stupid we have to remain flexible.

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Re: 70cms DATV under threat

Post by g6jyb » Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:35 pm

[quote="g8gtz"]The Austrian Radio Society has put forward a proposal to be discussed at the IARU region 1 conference in September which states:

"In order to provide necessary protection of weak signal users, a footnote to existing 70cm band plan should discourage the use of 436,0 – 438,0 MHz for DATV in national band plans within Europe."

The complete proposal, IARU proposal VA14_C5_35, can be found at various places on the internet including http://www.r-e-f.org//images/Documents/ ... _C5_35.pdf

Clearly the ATV community would not want to see this happen and the BATC has been working with RSGB to ensure they oppose this and we have agreed the following position:
  • Repeater Inputs and peer to peer is ok
    Repeater outputs banned in 435-438 for amsat protection
    No specific IARU ATV centre freqs , due to varying national regs/band plans
    And to add 70cms/2MHz max into the tech recommendation we had, but lost, at Vienna

For ATV matters in particular, you will need to wait for the full minutes and final recommendations to be released (as opposed to some selective snippets from some).
However there was a considerable review of ATV and a detailed output document (mainly on 70cms, but parts are applicable to all bands). However the four line position above for the 70cm situation is incorporated. For info later on the new ATV contest paper from Veron did well too


Murray G6JYB - who just happened to be the end up as the conference ATV Working Group chairman/secretary!

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