International QSO Party 31st August 2024
International QSO Party 31st August 2024
For the last 12 years, on the last Saturday of August, Peter, VK3BFG, has held an annual DATV QSO party. This is run through the Melbourne DATV repeater VK3RTV with stations joining the party either directly by RF or via the internet using the SRT (Secure Reliably Transport), protocol enabling participants from across the world to access VK3RTV directly. Peter also coordinates the event with repeater groups across the United States.
This year he has asked whether it would be possible for me to provide a link to the SRT system to enable operators on QO100 to participate and join the party. We’ve carried out some Proof of Concept testing and it all looks possible.
The QSO party itself starts at 00:00 UTC on Saturday the 31st of August this year and we’re planning on providing a couple (maybe more), of QO100 “slots” commencing at 09:00 UTC. This will require some careful coordination with the Australian end and I propose to make use of the QO100 wideband chat on the day to maintain a list of Participants. You can also let me know here on the BATC forum if you’re interested in being added to the list earlier.
Depending on the level of support, it would be helpful if operators could limit their “overs” to around three minutes duration.
So, let me know if you would like to participate and for more information, see the article on pages 2 to 4 in KH6HTV’s Amateur Television Journal which can be found here… ... al-168.pdf
73, Martin G4FKK
This year he has asked whether it would be possible for me to provide a link to the SRT system to enable operators on QO100 to participate and join the party. We’ve carried out some Proof of Concept testing and it all looks possible.
The QSO party itself starts at 00:00 UTC on Saturday the 31st of August this year and we’re planning on providing a couple (maybe more), of QO100 “slots” commencing at 09:00 UTC. This will require some careful coordination with the Australian end and I propose to make use of the QO100 wideband chat on the day to maintain a list of Participants. You can also let me know here on the BATC forum if you’re interested in being added to the list earlier.
Depending on the level of support, it would be helpful if operators could limit their “overs” to around three minutes duration.
So, let me know if you would like to participate and for more information, see the article on pages 2 to 4 in KH6HTV’s Amateur Television Journal which can be found here… ... al-168.pdf
73, Martin G4FKK
Re: International QSO Party 31st August 2024
Hi Martin all being well I'll be taking part, already done a test stream with them and it seemed to work fine. Looking forward to taking part I often watch the VK and USA nets.
73 John
73 John
Re: International QSO Party 31st August 2024
I did it last year! unfortunately I am not at home that WE...
next year!!!
best 73
i2NDT Claudio
next year!!!
best 73
i2NDT Claudio
i2NDT Claudio
Dalmine, Italia
Dalmine, Italia
Re: International QSO Party 31st August 2024
Excellent John, I'm hoping we'll get a good turnout by the QO100 boys
Shame you won't be able to make it Claudio but, as you say, next year!
73 Martin
Shame you won't be able to make it Claudio but, as you say, next year!
73 Martin
Re: International QSO Party 31st August 2024
Gidday all
For those who may have missed the the Melbourne DATV World Wide QSO party 2024:
A Replay is running on the BATC Streamer, warts and all no edits.
Thanks to all that Participated
For those who may have missed the the Melbourne DATV World Wide QSO party 2024:
A Replay is running on the BATC Streamer, warts and all no edits.
Thanks to all that Participated
Re: International QSO Party 31st August 2024
Ian VK3QL has posted the QSO party on his youtube channel live feed, Part One and Part Two
A vast range of ATV Operators world wide, a credit to the anchors and all that made it a success
You can also catch up with the VK3RTV weekly nets there too
On Ian's video tab you can also see the most recent QO-100 BATC net
Cheers Roger VK5YYY
A vast range of ATV Operators world wide, a credit to the anchors and all that made it a success
You can also catch up with the VK3RTV weekly nets there too
On Ian's video tab you can also see the most recent QO-100 BATC net
Cheers Roger VK5YYY