Change Langstone choice in portsdown menu

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Change Langstone choice in portsdown menu

Post by F1SSF » Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:27 pm

Hi alls,
I reinstalled the latest version of Porstdown, and configured my Lime Mini.
So, in the Langstone menu, Porstdown only search for Pluto.
Is it possible to change this configuration (via putty?) , to have the choice of LIME or PLUTO like when we install only Langstone on SD?
Happy week
73 franck

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Re: Change Langstone choice in portsdown menu

Post by G8GKQ » Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:34 pm

Hi Franck

Try: Menu 3, Langstone Config, and touch the button "Langstone use Pluto". It should switch to "Langstone use Lime".

Is that what you were asking?



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Re: Change Langstone choice in portsdown menu

Post by F1SSF » Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:52 am

hi Dave,
yes that's it.
Sorry, it was in front of me.... :roll:
Last question please
I had installed Langstone only for my portable station, is it possible to recover the complete radio configuration via putty to put it back on portsdown 4.? if yes which file?
Thank you so much

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Re: Change Langstone choice in portsdown menu

Post by g4eml » Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:56 pm

All Langstone settings are stored in the Langstone_Lime.conf or Langstone_Pluto.conf files.

Colin G4EML

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Re: Change Langstone choice in portsdown menu

Post by F1SSF » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:32 pm

Thank you Collin
73 Franck

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