Midlands Microwave Round Table

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Midlands Microwave Round Table

Post by G8GKQ » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:24 pm

The BATC will have a stand at the Midlands Microwave Round Table this Saturday.

In addition to the normal shop stock at reduced prices, we will have uncalibrated noise and power measurement facilities for all the microwave bands up to and including 24 GHz (150W limit on 10 Ghz and below, 100 mW on 24 GHz).

And of course Digital ATV transmit and receive testing, fault diagnosis and fixing. Also a Raspberry Pi 5 capability demonstration.

Dave, G8GKQ

Posts: 1297
Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:46 am

Re: Midlands Microwave Round Table

Post by radiogareth » Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:28 am

Excellent, I'd like to compare my measurements of NF on my 3.4GHz Ionica-based receiver, plus lots of dishes/antennas to evaluate in the chicken shed.

I also have a HP Server PSU '50Volts' (can be tweaked up/down a bit) at 35A + if anyone would like it - I paid £20. Surplus to requirements, and storage space at home.


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