DXSpot.tv updates

The web-based facility open to all ATVers worldwide to encourage DX ATV working. Now at https://dxspot.batc.org.uk/
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DXSpot.tv updates

Post by g8gtz » Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:43 am

Phil M0DNY has recently carried out a number of updates to https://www.dxspot.tv/

These include:
* Speed improvements, mainly due to moving on the new BATC server cluster at Linode.
* Addition of 2mts (146MHz) and 1.2cms (24GHz) bands for spotting
* Change of colours for bands spotted - see below
* Update of the UK repeater database (European beacons will be updated shortly)
* Fixed bugs in description tabs of repeaters and stations
* The spot log and map update immediately when a spot is logged
* Fixed beacon spot line bug (now appears dotted)
* BATC logo and banner updated to match new website

The spot lines are now coded as follows:
VHF / UHF = 146 & 70cms = Red
Low microwave bands = 23cms, 13cms, 9cms and 6cms = Orange
High microwave bands = 10GHz and 24GHz = Blue

There is also a dedicated chat URL for use when using poor mobile coverage https://www.dxspot.tv/dxchat/ This does not load the maps or spot log but is very useful as a talkback channel when out /p when only GPRS coverage is available.

Please submit any update information or requests via this thread on the forum.

DXSpot is a valuable resource dedicated to ATV DX working and is provided by BATC for use by the ATV community worldwide.

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Re: DXSpot.tv updates

Post by i2NDT » Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:19 am

how can I register my repeater?
I registered IR2UCM but it looks like a normal station on the map...

best 73
i2NDT Claudio
i2NDT Claudio
Dalmine, Italia

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Re: DXSpot.tv updates

Post by g8gtz » Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:42 am

Hi Claudio

Send me the details (location in lat and long, freq power etc) and I'll put it in the database.

Noel - G8GTZ

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Re: DXSpot.tv updates

Post by i2NDT » Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:29 pm

thanks Noel!
I sent you an e.mail.

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i2NDT Claudio
i2NDT Claudio
Dalmine, Italia

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Re: DXSpot.tv updates

Post by i2NDT » Wed Aug 08, 2018 2:17 pm

hi Noel,
did you receive my mails???

i2NDT Claudio
Dalmine, Italia

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