Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Please post here if you are planning any significant ATV Activity such as DXpeditions or Contest participation
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Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Post by M0DTS » Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:10 am

I'm planning to be out portable with 2m and 23cm from IO94LI on Sunday.
10am till 3pm at the latest.

No tropo forecast so it'll be hard work - nothing unusual there then.

Anyone else joining in?


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Re: Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Post by G3GJA » Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:03 pm

it's going to be quiet in the EY service area as Sunday is the Hornsea Rally at the Driffield Showground.

I'll be there twisting arms to get subs in for the repeater group and demonstrating the new all digital GB3EY Rx/Controller/Tx modulator/streamer.

G4YV and G0AZQ will be supporting the Hornsea Club.

Unfortunate clash caused by the CAt Part1 requiring activity weekends to be changed.



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Re: Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Post by radiogareth » Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:51 am

Regret I'm abed with COVID and although I think the worst is over I feel completely steamrollered....can just about raise a smile but not a mast :-(

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Re: Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Post by M0DTS » Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:42 am

Guess it's going to be a quiet one then!

Clear skies later so maybe I'll just go and stop the night and do a bit of star gazing instead.
I'll put antennas up just in case anyone appears, will be on Zello and 144.750.


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Re: Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Post by radiogareth » Sat Oct 14, 2023 11:23 am

Been years since I've seen any dark sky, beginning to crave some now....can just about see the moon and any planets down here, the rest is lost :-(

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Re: Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Post by G4FKK » Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:31 am

I've set up BandViewer and a Ryde to 146.5 with an 11 element Tonna pointed your way Rob. I'll keep an eye on things while I'm in the shack and log into Zello after 10:00.

I know we've tried many times before but one day...

73 Martin

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Re: Oct 14th/Oct 15th Activity Weekend

Post by M0DTS » Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:16 am

Sorry Martin I didn't see that!
I setup some antennas last night but conditions flat as can be.

Hopefully next time...


Good light propagation from the milky way though, taken with my phone!
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