12-13th November Activity weekend

Please post here if you are planning any significant ATV Activity such as DXpeditions or Contest participation
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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by PA3GUO » Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:56 pm

For what it is worth .... I will try to make a qso with Rob.
Located in JO21RJ and a modest set up:
12 element 70cm yagi just 1 mtr above roof
TX Portdown and PA 100W
Rx Minitiouner


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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by g8gtz » Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:28 pm

I'm all packed up with 100+ watts and 19 element yagi - will be portable in IO91JH.

Talkback on Zello channel ATV south and dxspot.tv or send me a text on 07881914287

Will be on site from about 10am UTC and look forward to working you all!


Noel - G8GTZ

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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by radiogareth » Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:56 pm

Just confirming I'll be at Woldingham Surrey IO91XH with 14ele and 150W. Should be active around 10am UTC.
Zellow, DXSpot and mobile 07905 927230
Gareth G4XAT

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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by M0DTS » Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:06 am

Just getting some breakfast then i will be on my way out.
It must have been stable overnight as it's very foggy here this morning, a good sign!
GB3VHF 2m beacon is above normal too from home.

Should be up and running around 10am local - IO94LI 360mAsl


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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by radiogareth » Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:04 pm

Well that went pretty well....until the farmer arrived and told me to 'Get of my verge'.....apparently he owns the bit between his hedge and the footpath (upon which I was parked) and the council own the footpath and the remaining thin grass verge.....
Finally managed to work Rob with a few dB spare, and Noel and Arthur G4CPE off the side/back of the beam at the same time.
Having been vanquished I set up back home and got the beam on my pump-up mast and just managed to work Rob on 125kS, also Noel on a marginal path.
Some issue with my RX setup still to be resolved, although my new 3-way switching system seemed to be a great help allowing quick band-viewer access.
As ever, some success but more to do......

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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by M0DTS » Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:31 pm

Really pleased to get signals from you Gareth, that amp does work some magic!
A shame you had to move but that's how it goes sometimes.
I didn't have one visitor all day, although it was a miserable day for being on the moors here!

Looking forward to the next 70cm day :-)


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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by PA3GUO » Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:19 am

With a temporal antenna setup participated for the first time. My only DATV activity so far was QO100.

Worked 2 NL stations at abt 30km: PA0BOJ and PE5PVB.
Worked 1 ON station at abt 60km: ON7MOR
Worked 1 DL station at 100km: DL/PE1ITR.

Due to surrounding buildings NW N NE rest of NL stations were out of reach, but many gave it a try, well appreciated !

Was fun, thanks !

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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by arthur21 » Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:10 am

Good to see pics from Gareth, Rob, and Noel.
When the /P stations had gone home I was about to close down when a signal appeared on band viewer which decoded has F4NAS
My first pics from France. JN09ER 252.5km

73 Arthur G4CPE
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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by pe1itr » Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:36 am

I wkd 13 stations: 4 one-way and 9 two-way QSO's. Good activity. Especially because November 12/13 is not an activity weekend in the Netherlands. Also nice to see that more and more stations are QRV with DATV op 70cm. Conditions were good and we were able to make qso's with the higher symbol rates.
Best DX 2022-11-13 UTC DL/PE1ITR JO30DQ <> M0DTS/P IO94LI 643 km. At some point I saw Rob's 333k 17w output signal! Quality was good and we were able to exchange images of the station and its surroundings.
I am very happy with this result.

We were lucky with the conditions and the tropo propagation was good. My impression was that there was a duct at 500 ~ 600 meters altitude, so that the propagation between M0DTS/P and me was very good. Interestingly, I couldn't see any signals from G8GTZ and G4XAT. My location was at 560m altitude. I think Rob's location was 450m. This was an ideal situation. A friend of mine is doing another analysis of the geographic tropo refraction at different altitudes which I will post later this week. Let's see if that provides more information.

Attached is a photo of my location. Direction IO94 is an extension of the road.

The next activity contest is December 10/11. My plan is then to be qrv at 70cm qrv on December 11, 2022 as ON/PE1ITR somewhere from the square JO10.

73 Rob PE1ITR
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Re: 12-13th November Activity weekend

Post by g8gtz » Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:11 pm

A good day out in fantastic late autumn weather!

Absolutely no sign of any EU stations on band viewer, it was definitely a sea path tropo :-(

Rob M0DTS was a good signal for most of the day and it was good to work Malcolm G0UHY, Gareth G4XAT before he was evicted and also to access GB3SQ - I did see and hear Arthur G4CPE but we somehow didn't work each other.

70cms really is good fun and goes really well from a moderate site - maybe we should do it all again on December 10th / 11th :-)

Great to see https://dxspot.batc.org.uk/ get so much use - my one picture shows Rob at 15dB MER.

Noel - G8GTZ
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