GB3EY on air after rebuild

Locator: IO93WT
Location: Hull, East Yorkshire
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GB3EY on air after rebuild

Post by G3GJA » Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:41 am

GB3EY was returned to service on Wednesday 24th January 2024 after two weeks off air for a rebuild.

The filters, power amplifier, driver, preamp, power supplies and case have been retained, but the logic, Ryde, encoder/modulator and streamer have been replaced.

The repeater now uses the BATC Repeater Controller software running on a Raspberry Pi 4. All signal paths are digital using HDMI and quad HDMI switches. A separate encoder takes HDMI in and outputs two IP streams, one to the BATC streamer and the other to a Pluto SDR via Ethernet. A new Ryde has been constructed to replace one that failed two years ago.

New features include a 2m receiver for DTMF commands from users, a slideshow during idle periods, an on-demand video and slide player, DVB-S2 modulation, H.265 encoding, and full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution. The BATC streamer is fed an HD (1280 x 720) stream.

The repeater is on 1308MHz, 1000kS/s, FEC is 3/4 at 25W ERP. Input is on 1275MHz using 333, 500 or 1000kS/s.

Reports would be welcome to clive @

Clive, G3GJA

Posts: 52
Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:04 pm

Re: GB3EY on air after rebuild

Post by G8HKN » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:33 pm

Many thanks for the cross repeater QSO.
Between EY and JV.
It worked much better than expected an I didn't have to say
"microphone back to you" once.
Nice to catch up after more than 50 years.
73 Roger G8HKN.

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