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RSGB Construction Competition

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:26 pm
by G8GKQ
A reminder about the RSGB 2024 Construction Competion. ATV-related entries have always done well, and they provide valuable publicity for Amateur Television. So please submit your latest project for the competition. More detail:

The deadline for submissions to the RSGB Construction Competition is the 1st of March 2024. To enable members across the country, and even the world, to take part, entries will again be judged over the internet rather than in person.

This year two new categories have been introduced so there are six categories you can enter: Antennas; Beginners; Most creative and/or elegant PCB Design; Construction Excellence; Innovation; and Software and Systems. Special recognition will be given to entries submitted by radio amateurs under the age of 24, and to those who have just gained their Foundation licence.

A cash prize will be awarded for the winner of each section, with a bonus for the overall winner, who will also be given the Pat Hawker G3VA Award. You can watch an RSGB Tonight@8 presentation featuring winners from previous years, and find out how to enter this year, on the RSGB website at

Dave, G8GKQ

Re: RSGB Construction Competition

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:52 pm
by radiogareth
Biggest problem with this event is that they don't feature ALL the entries in the mag or even on the RSGB www at least......not exactly promoting stuff just showing the winners....I put in 4 items last year, IMHO they would all have been of some interest to others....
Not that I'm bitter or anything ;-)
