Ionica Front end on 3.4GHz

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Ionica Front end on 3.4GHz

Post by radiogareth » Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:24 pm

I've finally got round to playing with one of the Ionica RX strips as detailed here
It works very nicely with a LO of 2450MHz @ 14dBm and seems to out-perform a Titanium LNB based on vary basic waving things around the shack. RF into Minitiouner at 952MHz (From 3402 MHz) with an indicated signal level of 55-60dB
Just wondering if anyone has used one of these for either DATV or NB stuff and is its 'good enough'. Certainly looking at the board parts description (3 gain stages, band pass filter, mixer, IF filter and then more gain is looks pretty good to me.
I just need to protect its front end from stray RF on TX (20-30W nearby, 2 flat-plates side by side) and keep it in good order. My 12V SMA relays are all 3 wire devices with common +ve.


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