BATC bursary - GB3NQ approved

Details of the bursaries provided by the BATC
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BATC bursary - GB3NQ approved

Post by g8gtz » Thu Oct 14, 2021 8:18 am

The following application has been approved:

Date of application: 30/07/2021

Project description:
To install Ryde 2mtr Rx to GB3NQ to complement the upgrade of the Datv RX/TX Which is installed and working with Antenna at 80 foot level on the Mast which is a thousand feet Asl

Benefits to ATV community:
This will benefit the whole of Cornwall and Part of Devon we have adopted Vertical for the Time because of the terrain in Cornwall / Devon

Total amount of funding requested: £105.34

Details of costs / items:

MiniTiouner version 2 blank PCB (#301) £4.50
MCP1826 1 volt regulator (#303)£2.00
Serit FTS-4334LV NIM / tuner module (#302)£25.50
DATV receiver USB interface module – MiniTiouner USB module (#304)£26.50
Hammond 1455N1201 Extruded Aluminium Enclosure 123 £16.37
Microchipmc1826ldo reg1amp3.3 x 2 £9.99
All Others Res and caps from KTD stock to the Value of £10.00
VHF UHF Transit Station Duplexer MX-72 HAM Antenna Combiner £9.98

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