Final arrangements and program

News about the BATC's online Convention in 2020
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Final arrangements and program

Post by g8gtz » Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:57 am

The final program for the online CAT20 meeting on Saturday October 24th is now available - there have been a few changes as unfortunately one of the speakers is no longer able to join us due to a family bereavement.

final program.JPG
final program.JPG (87.03 KiB) Viewed 7145 times


Don't forget, members are invited to register to attend via the Zoom registration page which is linked from this page on the BATC website – please note you will need to be logged as a member to access the page.

On the day

Once registered, you will be sent an email by Zoom with details of the webinar including a link to the actual meeting. Please do not click on the link before 9:30 on Saturday morning. You will not need to download any Zoom software before the event, but when you do click on the meeting link on Saturday morning you may be asked to allow a small Zoom client to load.

The actual program starts at 10:00 but the webinar will be opened at 9:30, so please use this 30 minutes to test that you can log in and see the countdown slide and hear the music - then go and make yourself a cup of tea or coffee!

Note that just like the recent AMSAT UK event, CAT20 will be a Webinar and not a normal Zoom meeting. You will NOT be seen or be able to see yourself during the meeting and you will not be able to speak unless granted access by the moderator.

There will be a Q+A box where you can ask questions and these will be read by the presenters who will be able to give an answer during the presentation.

The whole CAT20 event will be streamed on the BATC streamer – no prior registration is required and anyone can just turn up and watch.

There will also be an co-ordination uplink between G0MJW and G8GKQ on QO-100.

The talks will be recorded and put up on the BATC Youtube channel after the event.

Breakout sessions

During the lunch break we will be running 3 breakout meetings lasting 25 minutes each.

These will be a continuation of the main webinar so you do not need to log out and back in again. During these sessions we will unmute everyone so you will be able to interact with the presenters and other participants. Topics to be covered in the breakout sessions are:

* Portsdown workshop

* The Ryde receiver

* QO100

Almost 150 members from all around the world have already registered to join the webinar which is double our normal CAT attendance! Whilst we will all miss meeting and greeting new and old friends, the online format does mean many more people will be able to attend a CAT meeting. Recent experience with the RSGB and AMSAT-UK on-line conferences have shown it can be a very successful format.

So please make sure you register and join us to make CAT20 a huge success.


The BATC committee

Posts: 106
Joined: Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:28 pm

Re: Final arrangements and program

Post by G0LJF » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:02 pm

I did not know how to use/check the Zoom client so I used this test meeting to check my Video and Audio...

"You also can launch a test Zoom meeting anytime at This will launch a meeting where you are the only participant (you then can decide if you want to invite others). This option lets you test your audio and video even if you don't have the Zoom desktop client installed."

You may find it useful.

73, Mike

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