User Reports

S-Band DVB-S from the International Space Station
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User Reports

Post by G8GKQ » Fri May 03, 2024 6:51 pm

Once HamTV is transmitting, we ask that receiving stations post here with reports of the reception and their equipment. Please include as many items as possible of the following information:

Station details:
  • Ground station location
  • Dish size
  • Dish feed
  • LNA/LNB type (and NF if available)
  • Receiver hardware
  • Receiver software
  • Tracking hardware
  • Tracking software
  • Sun noise during testing
When a signal is received:
  • Time and date of the pass
  • Maximum elevation of the pass
  • Peak received MER
Attach a screenshot of the received spectrum if possible (from an SDR or Portsdown BandViewer)

The aim is to give other constructors ideas as to how they can build their own station.

Site Admin
Posts: 2875
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:21 pm

Re: User Reports

Post by G8GKQ » Fri May 03, 2024 7:04 pm

In advance of receiving any signals, I'll start with my station that is very similar to the one I used to successfully receive Tim Peake:
  • Offset dish 85 cm (2 ft 9 inches) F/D 0.4
  • Feed 4 turn helical G3RUH design
  • LNA kit designed by G3WDG, NF 0.7 dB +/- 0.2 dB
  • MMDS downconverter to 731 MHz, 2 line amps and then 30m coax to shack. Picotuner and Portsdown 4 receiver.
  • Software Portsdown 4 and Ryde on a Raspberry Pi, with OpenTuner on a PC also available.
  • Yaesu G5500 az/el rotator
  • PstRotator and G5500pi software
  • Sun noise about 2.5 dB
  • On high elevation passes, MER was at least 5dB
Dave G8GKQ

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