Running the LONGMYND Client Server Software on Orange Pi

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Running the LONGMYND Client Server Software on Orange Pi

Post by W6BDD » Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:14 pm

Since the Raspberry Pi's are currently hard to get, I decided to try using the Orange Pi Zero 2 with the MiniTiouner V2.0 and a Windows PC Laptop as the client server. I finally have it running. I do not have access to a signal source to attempt to receive with the Minitiouner yet. I may try a 433 MHz Transceiver and send video stream.

My question is about the LONGMYND Windows app. I ran it first time and went through the setup. I then found out I had the wrong IP address for the Pi. When I tried to change the IP address, it won't let you without going back to the original ZIP file, unZipping it, and then running it from the UnZip directory. If you delete the first files and close Windows, it does not forget the original settings.

Does anyone know where the Registry file(s) exist to delete / modify? Or a file to run again to reinstall the setup?? There is no discussions on this.


George Blake

Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:25 pm

Re: Running the LONGMYND Client Server Software on Orange Pi

Post by W6BDD » Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:15 am

I guess no one has any inputs to this, or cares? Probably too few people on here.

I finally fixed it with some help from the sone of a Ham here in kansas City, Derek.

A NOTE TO PROGRAMMERS / DEVELOPERS: Don't ASSUME that everyone is at YOUR programming level. Some of us are Hardware Hacks and know very little about software. We are looking for "Plug 'n Pray" software to run our projects. If you write a blog about a program, PLEASE "dumb it down" for the Novices. Make it as SIMPLE, EASY and COMPLETE as possible. Thank You.


It would have been nice if Tom Van den Bon - ZR6TG had made this easier for Beginners. His instructions assume you have some knowledge of Linux. Unfortunately, there are those of us who are hardware hacks and not programmers.

Here is what was finally successful:


#You need to be logged in as the pi user when you clone the repository from GitHub. If the machine is defaulting to root then you need to
#switch to the pi user. If you changed to root yourself then you need to exit the shell and go back to the pi user.

#Exit the Root Shell


#Switching Users as Root

sudo --user pi --shell /bin/bash --login

#Typing a hashtag # tells the shell to ignore everything after that until the end of the line. These are called comments.

#In the list of commands below you don’t have to type the comments. They are there to provide context.
#Installing the Program

#Make sure we are logged in as the pi user
#Typing whoami should return pi
#If it returns root then you should refer to "Switching Users as Root" or "Exit the Root Shell"
#If "Exit the Root Shell" disconnects you from the machine then it means you are logged in as root by default when you connect.
#You will have to switch users instead.
#The whoami command returns the name of the user that ran it


#Make sure we are in the home directory of the pi user
#Typing pwd and enter should return /home/pi


#Type cd /home/pi if you are not in the home directory of the pi user

cd /home/pi

#Clone the repository from GitHub

git clone

#Open the directory with the source code

cd longmynd

#Compile the program


#Make sure the program is executable
#It should look a bit like this. -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 1071664 Feb 2 00:38 /home/pi/longmynd/longmynd
#The first x is what we care about. This tells you the program is executable by the user that owns the file.
#In this case the owner is pi since we compiled the program while logged in as pi.

ls -l /home/pi/longmynd/longmynd

#You can try running the program if everything else worked correctly.
#The period in front of the current slash is an alias for the current directory.
#The shell swaps out the period for /home/pi/longmynd
#We started out in /home/pi when we logged in.
#Then we switched to the longmynd directory.
#Typing pwd should return /home/pi/longmynd
#Run longmynd specifying the following parameters (adapt to your network)

./longmynd -W 8080 -i 4003 -I 4002 741538 1500

#NOTE: The IP ADDRESS is the address where you are SENDING the data from the Raspberry / Orange Pi!

#Installing the SystemD Unit File

#To setup longmynd on pi boot:
#Create service file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/longmynd.service

#Enter the text below exactly as specified except for the IP address.
#NOTE: The IP ADDRESS is the address where you are SENDING the data from the Raspberry / Orange Pi!


Description=Longmynd Client

ExecStart=/home/pi/longmynd/longmynd -W 8080 -i 4003 -I 4002 741538 250



#When you are done press Control+X on the keyboard. This is the hotkey for exit in nano. Select Y to save the changes and press enter to #confirm the filename to write.

#Telling SystemD about the new service file and enabling start on boot

#Tell systemd to check all of the service definition files again.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

#Tell systemd to start this service at boot.

sudo systemctl enable longmynd.service

#Management commands to use for later.

#If everything is done correctly the service will start the next time the machine boots.
#The enable command you typed earlier only tells SystemD that you want to start this service at every boot.
#It doesn't start the command immediately.
#You don't need to type all of the commands here. These are just for management at a later date.
#If you want to start the service now without rebooting

sudo systemctl start longmynd.service

#You can check the service status after it is started.

sudo systemctl status longmynd.service

#You don't need the next command right now.
#If new code comes out on GitHub
#You should stop the service before upgrading the program

sudo systemctl stop longmynd.service


Derek C.

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