Connecting and testing the pi cam with Portsdown 4

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Re: Connecting and testing the pi cam with Portsdown 4

Post by M0NDE » Sat Oct 21, 2023 3:20 pm

My issue is now resolved by purchasing a Logitech USB camera as recommended by the BATC info.

Thanks for help

Nigel M0NDE

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Re: Connecting and testing the pi cam with Portsdown 4

Post by F5CAU » Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:47 pm

I found on the net a HDMI to CSI converter, to emulate a Pi Cam using any HDMI source
so I installed it in my Portsdown 4, connected the converter to the cam connector on the Raspberry and my camcorder on the HDMI side
Now with the "Pi cam monitor" in Menu 2 I can see the vidéo of my camcorder ! works great !
unfortunately when I specify Pi Cam as source in menu 1 and switch TX on, the camcorder image appears on the screen but he Portsdown doesnt go to Transmission ...
its a pity, possibility to use HDMI source should be a great improvement !
73 all, Gil F5CAU

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Re: Connecting and testing the pi cam with Portsdown 4

Post by G8GKQ » Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:59 pm

Unfortunately, the H264 encoding software written by Evariste F5OEO that is used in the Portsdown does not work with these HDMI to CSI adaptors.

The Pi Cam monitor used on Menu 2 and the Viewfinder used during transmit use different software.

Perhaps ask Evariste?

Dave, G8GKQ

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Re: Connecting and testing the pi cam with Portsdown 4

Post by G3VZV » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:05 am

Just to say thanks for a very useful thread...I had been puzzling for an hour or so why my Portsdown 4 would transmit a testcard but not images from the attached PiCam.

I hadn't realised that without an audio source, the audio setting has to be set to "off"...otherwise no output.


Graham G3VZV

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Re: Connecting and testing the pi cam with Portsdown 4

Post by f5iwn » Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:10 pm

Hi all,
To continue that discussion ....
Apart setting the "Audio" to "off" when using a picam without any audio source,is there any other configuration detail to be considered ?
- I connected a picam v2 on a working PD4
- relevant unix commands and the "picam monitor" indicate that the picam seems to be working
- But when pushing to the TX button no transmission is started

May be some others parameters are incompatible (encoding, SR, modulation ....) with the picam ?

In advance thank you !!!

Best 73s

Christophe F5IWN

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