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The Portsdown RF Noise Level Meter

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 7:59 pm
by G8GKQ
I have just released the Portsdown Noise Level Meter, which is added to the Test Equipment Menu in the latest Portsdown 4 update (202304220).

The meter uses a LimeSDR to measure wideband RF noise levels and is intended to be used for measuring sun noise (or moon noise). It can also measure the difference in noise between adjacent frequency ranges, or compare a carrier level to the noise in an adjacent frequency range.

Full details can be found on the BATC Wiki Please report any bugs or suggested enhancements here.

I hope to port the capability to the Portsdown 2020 in due course.

Dave G8GKQ

Re: The Portsdown RF Noise Level Meter

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 2:46 pm
by radiogareth
Installed and works fine on my PD4.

When it stops raining I hope to compare my two steerable dishes for sun noise, using a Bullseye LNB. One is a 0.89*078 and the other a 1.35*1.15.

Might this magical function ever migrate to a Pluto?

