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Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:42 pm
I have a few questions about the portsdown, why can't i choose dvb-s2 in the menu?
I run version 201902072 with Limesdr mini, rpi 3B+

/Hakan SM6TLX

Re: DVB-S2

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:33 pm
by G8GKQ
Hi Hakan

Please say which Menu - the touchscreen? If so, you need to have Lime Mini selected as your Output device, and then you should be able to select S2QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK or 32APSK - all the DVB-S2 output modes.

If you are working from the console (ssh) menu, the facility to select DVB-S2 modes is not there yet. I actually wrote it earlier today and hope to release it later this week.


Re: DVB-S2

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 3:44 pm
Ok, i was so convinced that there would be "DVB-S2" in the menu (as it does on MiniTioune) so i missed everything else :-)


DVB-S2 by console

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:29 pm
by EA3UM
Hi Dave
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I hope I'm not in any error.
I have Portsdown with rpi3b +, updated with version 201902250 and I am operating with Lime DSR USB.
With modulation in CVB-S, no problem, but when choosing any of the other options S2 ... it is set to TX for 2 or 3 seconds and stops.
I have the Lime that when updating it by menu 5 option 11 tells me that it does not require updating and everything ok.
I am operating from the console because for lack of space I can not install any display / keyboard.
Is it possible that another type of modulation other than CVB-S can not be configured from the console?
Thank you

Re: DVB-S2

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 10:23 am
by G8GKQ
Hi Magi

I released a new version 201903250 on Friday. This uses new LimeSuite software and also needs an upgrade to the Lime firmware. However, I have only tested it with the LimeSDR Mini, as I do not have a LimeSDR USB, so do not recommend that you upgrade for the moment

I have just discovered 2 problems with the transmission of DVB-S2 modes from the console.

The first is that you need to select a specific DVB-S2 FEC from the FEC menu when you try to transmit DVB-S2 from the console. You can do this, although I will try to make it automatic (like the touchscreen) in the next release.

The second is that the Console software does not seem to reset the LimeSDR properly after transmit. I'm still looking at this, but its does not seem to matter.

Please let me know if selecting the FEC works.


Dave, G8GKQ

Re: DVB-S2

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:26 am
by EA3UM
Dear Dave
I appreciate your willingness to solve the problems with LIME SDR USB.
It is not easy to establish the sequence of events that occur, in the different modes of operation, since I have observed different reactions
different erratic reactions occur according to the order of the commands.
I expose you first the conditions in which I am doing the tests.
-RPI 3 B + with independent PS 5.2 V 4 Amp.
-USB 3.0 cable
-LIME SDR USB with independent PS 5.2 V. 3 Amp. TX1 output with directional coupler connected to a variable attenuator 0 - 80 dB and this connected
to Minitioune V 0.9. (attenuation set to 70 dB)
- Spectrum analyzer connected to the directional coupler with output -20dB
-The Lime sdr usb that I had for radioastronomy had the Gateware 2 version, revision 20 installed, and I had to install version 2.18 because the RPI did not recognize it.

From there it seemed that everything was OK.

First of all I observed that there are different random reactions, according to the order of start-up of the components
Therefore, to avoid confusion, I have established the start-up: First RPI, Putty and console connection.

First effect: It never enters the program by autostar. Always I have to run through the console ... / home / pi / rpidatv / scripts / menu ...

LIME ON, (5V), and USB cable connection to RPI.
Configuration by console:
SR 1000 KS / s. Freq. 1244 MHz, PMT, PCR, Pideo, Paudio = 103,100,100,101. FEC 7/8, Mode CVB-S, Mpeg2

At first glance, I observe RF output at 1244 MHz. Red LED of TX in active LIME, and perfect detection and decoding in Minitioune

But past approx. 1 minute, modulation cut, RX loss, RF still coming out (it looks like only carrier), led TX
it continues on, but apparently without modulation.
Past 30-40 sec. modulation is automatically restored, and reception.
This process is repeated with times of variable intervals, indefinitely.

If required, I can take more concrete data, or the parameters that you consider most useful.

Irrespective of this test, and in a very random way, with erratic performances, I have managed at some time,
that in S2QPSK it worked, but trying to change to other modulations ... 8PSK, 16APSK ... etc. It has the effect that I told you
in my last post, TX on for 2 sec. then off, but trying again in S2QPSK, or CVB-S, the LIME board and
does not generate RF in any case.
It seems that the RPI or LIME (I do not know), would have entered crash with total blockade, being inoperative.

From these tests I have not followed because every test with the same commands gives different results. I think it is better to specify a specific case and report the results.

It is very complicated to determine the origin of a defect, because apparently it is very general and the problem affects everything
the system.
I am at your disposal for any test and report you need.

Re: DVB-S2

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:06 pm
by G8GKQ

You need to make sure that you have a valid FEC selected for the modulation you are using. From the following list:

DVB-S: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
S2QPSK: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2/ 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
8PSK: 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
16APSK: 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
32APSK: 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
There is error checking in the touchscreen code, but it is very complex to implement in the Console Menu.

MPEG-2 moodulation struggles at above 500KS (not enough processor power), so please test with 500KS or below.

You can set the Portsdown to autostart to the Menu in the Setup menu.

You may get beter results with H264.

73, Dave

Re: DVB-S2

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:50 am
by EA3UM
Hello Dave
I did not know the table of FECs to be selected for each type of modulation, and I have not seen it in the extensive information related to Portsdown / Lime.
Applying the FEC corresponding to the modulation chosen, the problems are over.
It is possible that I have not tested all the conditions, but I have not found any bug. It works perfect.
Maybe in the console menu, if choosing a modulation type ... S2QPSK, ..8PSK ... etc. another submenu with the valid FECs would be displayed, it would be more comfortable.
Just one thing:
In the documentation of the description of operation with LIME SDR USB the FPGA-GPIO for the delayed PTT specifies it in GPIO 7 (pin 10), but I have found it in the FPGA-GPIO 5 (pin 8 in header). (Recent version of LIME SDR USB board).
Thank you very much for your support and attention.
73 -Magi-

Re: DVB-S2

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:16 pm
by G8GKQ

The pin connections referred to the LimeSDR Mini. I had thought that the FPGA-GPIO numbers were the same for the LimeSDR USB, but clearly not. I will look into this.

Dave, G8GKQ