Portsdown pi3 2019 v:202402040 no on screen parameters ?

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Portsdown pi3 2019 v:202402040 no on screen parameters ?

Post by keng8vdp » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:20 pm

Hello, my old pi3b+ Portsdown used to show Rx parameters when I touch left side of screen.

Then after an update sometime in late 2023 that no longer appears. Today Feb 6th 2024 I noticed there was another update 202402040. I performed that successfully, hoping the parameters would, once again work. Unfortunately not.

Has anyone noticed this no longer happens ?
It still works fine on my other x2 later pi4 Portsdowns
Tap left of screen whilst receiving a station & parameters pop up.
However they don't on the older pi3 Portsdown.
Maybe the " dev updater person " doesn't know.

Is there a fix or am I likely doing something wrong ?

Many thanks for keeping the support going
Big tick & 5*****

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Re: Portsdown pi3 2019 v:202402040 no on screen parameters ?

Post by G8GKQ » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:40 pm

Hi Ken

Please confirm that you are using VLC or "VLC with ffmpeg" for viewing. The parameters do not appear with OMXPlayer (and never have).

If you are still having problems, please let me know if you have a 7 inch or 3.5 inch screen?



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Re: Portsdown pi3 2019 v:202402040 no on screen parameters ?

Post by keng8vdp » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:56 pm

Hi Dave. I can confirm I'm using VLC
7" screen also

Best Regards Ken

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Re: Portsdown pi3 2019 v:202402040 no on screen parameters ?

Post by G8GKQ » Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:02 pm

Hi Ken

I am puzzled, as I have just updated my Portsdown 2020 (7 inch screen) to the latest version and it shows the receive parameters with no problems.

Of course, the top and bottom corners don't control the parameters (see here https://wiki.batc.org.uk/images/0/0a/TouchMap.jpg but I'm sure that you are trying the right place.

Is anything else not working that could give us a clue?


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Re: Portsdown pi3 2019 v:202402040 no on screen parameters ?

Post by keng8vdp » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:55 pm

Hi Dave,

I very much appreciate you looking into this.
Yes I do know where to tap the screen as I have 2 other Portsdown & another with a small screen. They all behave correctly.

At least now I know it should be ok I can try a few things this end. Maybe write a fresh SD card.
Its been that way for some months & I mentioned it to a few locals. Unfortunately none were running pi3 types so I was unable to confirm it was an update gone wrong. I thought I'd just wait till the next update came along and it would get fixed. Alas it didn't.
Just a little more: When I try to perform the function. It behaves as though I've touched the right side of the screen, rather than the left side. In other words it just comes out of the "play mode"
When I first select play , I do get the "timed" parameters up but once they've timed out. If I left tap to bring them up , play stops & it returns to menu.
Not the end of the world is it.

I've not noticed any other issues & it continues to work ok on TX , the occasional times I use it for that.
All other functions seem ok too. Obviously I've not tried them all. Rx works well also other than this minor issue.

Thanks Ken

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